RCK getting a taste of his new Mickey ball.
MK and RCK
RCK and Uncle G. Uncle G just got a new job.....check out the press release here. Uncle G is a busy guy. He's also my lawyer and general contractor.
RCK sporting "My First Christmas" clothes. Courtesy of Uncle G and Aunt B.
RCK and Aunt N. Aunt N's cell phone is so old it it has a pull out antenna and comes with a backpack.
RCK and G Grandma. I thought MK and G Grandma shared the same first name. But I was wrong. G Grandma had me all confused when she said her given first name was L. Everyone calls her by M, though.
RCK sitting in Aunt N's old toddler chair. That chair is over 30 years old and home to a few spiders.
Check out RCK's good friend SS. Aren't they a cute couple!
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